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Home / Candles & Home Fragrances / Self-Lovery - Mango Paloma in Paradise

Self-Lovery - Mango Paloma in Paradise

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Our magickal intention candles are a great alternative to using cleansing sticks.

Mango Paloma in Paradise smells like tangy grapefruit and mangosteen- an exotic fruit that is citrusy and sweet with a hint of peach. This fragrance has a strong fragrance that has a citrus punch, a hint of peach, and a naturally derived sweetness. This fragrance is infused with natural essential oils, including orange.

Our Self Lovery collection is curated with a blend of crystals and herbs:

Rose Quartz - teaches self-love, forgiveness, compassion, and tenderness. This stone is ideal for people who repress or have difficulty expressing emotions. It promotes sensitivity and empathy but can also help us enforce healthy boundaries. When needed, rose quartz, help us stand firm and offer tough love to those who might take advantage of our generosity and kindness.

Citrine - Letting go and empowerment is this stone’s key theme. It helps us let go of old beliefs and feelings, such as those projected by us by friends and family, so that we can step into our personal power. Increases self-esteem and boosts productivity.

Rose Petals - Radiates love in a wide circumference around your being. Centers the heart chakra of your consciousness and expands your sphere of love.
Chamomile - Cancels out negative thoughts

Jasmine - Renews self-confidence and increases your courage to put good thoughts into action. Supports you to lighten up and allow yourself to feel good about you.

Orange Peel - Brings your spiritual fortitude and self confidence so that you can develop your spiritual gifts.

White Sage - Negative Energy

Lavender - Removes negative energy and invites positive energy, peace

40-50 hours // 100% natural soy wax // phthalate free

Candles are homemade and so they may appear slightly different in appearance and color.

We do not guarantee metaphysical results, all products are based on faith, and should never be a substitute for medical care.

Because of the gems and herbs in the candle, never leave the candle unattended, always handle fire with care. Friendly Brown Hottie is not legally responsible for any damage or injury that may result from the use of our products. By purchasing our products you are agreeing to these terms.