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Home / Apothecary / Soy Nail Polish Remover

Soy Nail Polish Remover

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Our unscented soy based nail polish remover promotes healthy, moisturized nails and does not contain smelly acetone or harsh acetates that can damage the nails, cuticles and dry out your skin. It comes in an environmentally friendly glass bottle and contains only 3 ingredients + essential vitamins: Soy Methyl Ester, Dimethyl Glutarate, Dimethyl Adipate, Vitamins A, C, & E.

Directions: Saturate cotton ball and allow remover to soak on the nail for 10-20 seconds before wiping. Gently rub until polish has been completely removed. Wash and dry hands after using remover to ensure nail bed is clean and dry before applying nail polish.

Our product is non-toxic, Vegan and cruelty-free.