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Home / Food & Drink / Crispy Dark Chocolate Orange Slices

Crispy Dark Chocolate Orange Slices

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0.8 oz Snack Pack



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Our orange crisps are what started it all! A staple of our beautiful California, our California oranges are a golden standard for citrus lovers.

Besides adding our signature crunch, we took one step more and dipped these slices in the finest Belgian chocolate. They are more craveable than ever.

Dry, crispy and snap-able, these slices are thinly sliced from the freshest of California oranges and simply dehydrated, then dipped in a delicate dark chocolate coating for the perfect sweet and citrus pairing.

Just like fresh fruit, slices may have imperfections such as seeds, bitterness, discoloration, and may vary slightly in sweetness.

The heart of a fruit's vitamin content is in the rind, which is why we leave it on.

no sulphur | no preservatives