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Home / Candles & Home Fragrances / Manifest Mami - Moon Magick

Manifest Mami - Moon Magick

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Our magickal intention candles are a great alternative to using cleansing sticks.

Our Manifest, Mami collection is curated with a blend of crystals and herbs:

Amethyst - enhanced meditation and dreaming. Psychic development, spiritual cleansing, and assists with connecting to higher realms.

Quartz - expedites the manifestation process. Balances overactive and stagnant energy center. Protective, provides inspiration and discipline on the spiritual path.

Red Rose Petals - enhances psychic ability.

Chamomile - assists with spiritual connection to guides and angels through the dreamtime.

Jasmine - spirituality

Orange Peel - spiritual fortitude and self-confidence so that you can develop your spiritual gifts.

Lavender - removes negative energy and invites positive energy, peace.

White Sage - removes negative energy

40-50 hours // 100% natural soy wax // phthalate-free

We do not guarantee metaphysical results, all products are based on faith, and should never be a substitute for medical care.

Because of the gems and herbs in the candle, never leave the candle unattended, always handle fire with care. Friendly Brown Hottie is not legally responsible for any damage or injury that may result from the use of our products. By purchasing our products you are agreeing to these terms.