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The Body Balm

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This Body Balm is infused with herbs that are helpful for promoting a healthy inflammatory system and the oils in this formula offer nourishment to the whole body. Our Body Balm is a multi-purpose salve with the consistency of a soft lip balm. While salves often have an oily after-effect, our salve leaves the skin moisturized, not oily. The carrier oils in this formula are coconut, olive and hemp seed.

We infuse our coconut oil with botanicals using a proprietary, low temperature infusion processes. These herbs are helpful for promoting a healthy inflammatory response. We add in essential oils and menthol crystals to complete a balanced and effective formula.

The most common use of this body balm is rubbing it on muscles, joints and skin to help manage and regulate inflammatory response. It also makes a great daily lip balm and an effective bug bite remedy! Talk about functional!

Think it may work for you or a loved one? Give it a try and let us know how you like it!

Made locally from The Good Rub in Sacramento, CA.